A Day in the Life of Your On-Site Medic

We staff a dedicated medic or nurse at your site to facilitate doctor visits and provide prevention and wellness services.  Employees get personal attention from a friendly, approachable team member who remains embedded right at your workplace, becoming part of your company’s life and culture.

One-On-One Coaching and Follow-Up

Whether part of our Know Your Numbers program or just a planned series of visits to monitor weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, or any other health parameter, your medic is there for routine check ins and check ups. This personalized approach with walk in access drives utilization and compliance with health regimens, improving health outcomes for each individual. In addition, if a physician visit calls for the employee getting in touch with their regular doctor, your medic stays in touch with the employee to insure that important follow up care is accomplished.

Employee Health Status Abstracting and Personal Outreach to Patients

As part of our Health Indicators system of our electronic medical record, each patient seen has their health situation individually reviewed and data is entered to track key health conditions and therapies. As clinic use grows, an effective profile of the overall employee health status is created that is useful not only to assist each employee manage their health, but also allows the employer (using de-identified data) to spot health trends among their employees. Once set, the medic reviews the Health Indicators by group or condition and where appropriate checks in with individual patients about their ongoing care.

Lunch & Learns, and Health Briefings at Safety Meetings

Monthly or quarterly, your medic will hold brown-bag Lunch and Learn sessions with employees to present informative content on health and nutrition. In addition, many clients have our medics in plant safety meetings to review topics such as bending and lifting safety, or stretching before strenuous work, even what to do in case of a fall, heat emergencies, seizures, stroke, or heart attack. Plus, reminders about safety equipment use are more compelling when a health professional shares anecdotes about injury experiences and their unfortunate outcomes.

Walk And Talks

On a regular schedule, your medic will promote and lead lunchtime or break time Walk And Talk sessions to encourage employees to get their steps in and socialize. During these slow to medium pace walks, your medic will lead discussions on nutrition, portion control, stress management, blood pressure, diabetes, and other healthful topics. Walk and Talks are voluntary, but are a fun and effective way to promote awareness of health and well being while allowing employees an accessible way to improve activity levels.